Help with Breastfeeding

Help with Breastfeeding

Help with Breastfeeding

Most new moms think that breastfeeding should be something that happens naturally, but when the time comes, the process feels awkward. Maybe the baby isn’t latching onto your nipple, or maybe you feel pain when the baby does latch on.

If you’re a new mom with these or other problems, then it’s important to know that these problems are completely normal. At the Mason County Health Department, we’re happy to help you with breastfeeding. Keep reading for more information.

Common breastfeeding problems

Women of all ages experience problems with breastfeeding. Some of the most common problems include…

  • Positioning: Some positions are uncomfortable for the baby, so the baby does not seem to want to feed. You may also experience soreness and abrasion.
  • Nipple confusion: When a baby uses a bottle too soon after birth, he or she may have confusion with the mother’s nipple. If possible, wait three to four weeks before using a baby bottle.
  • Breast infection or pain: Most women feel soreness and pain when they first start breastfeeding, but if these symptoms persist accompanied by flu-like symptoms, then you may have a breast infection or a plugged duct.
  • Breast pump questions: You may not know how to use a breast pump or how often you should be using it.

Many women go through these same problems, and you can get help with breastfeeding.

What help with breastfeeding can I get?

If you’re having trouble with breastfeeding, remember that you are not alone. These problems are normal, and there are ways to help you feel more comfortable. You can find support through…

  • The National Breastfeeding Helpline at 1-800-994-9662
  • Mason County Health Department’s Breast Feeding Peer Counselor
  • Your regular doctor, nurse, midwife, doula, etc.

If you need help with breastfeeding, know that you have options. Get help from the Mason County Health Department by phone at 309-210-0110 or online.

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